Dima Tisnek

Below is quick showcase of my work.

Feel free to comment on GitHub. Forks, issues, pull requests are always welcome. I'm also on Stack Overflow.
For professional inquiries, please email at dimaqq@gmail.com or contact though LinkedIn.


Await, What?

A library and C extension that traverses stack of suspended coroutines, ultimately trying to answer a question: at a given point in time, what task is waiting for what other task, and how it go there? [source code ↗️]



The idea is that ideographic characters are learnt through repetition, thinking, drawing, reading. Additionally it's best to try to learn a small number of characters a time. Thus, what if Sudoku had Kanji instead of numbers? Then it takes reading, writing, and most importantly thinking in terms of there characters to solve the Sudoku.

Python Asyncio

  • Example — how to use asyncio [correctly]
  • Example — Docker log aggregator


  • Number Crunching — high performance computation (sans images, they got lost 😅)



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